Our Vision

The Future of Work, Today

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, intranets are not just surviving; they are thriving, revolutionizing the way organizations communicate, collaborate, and cultivate culture.

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, intranets are not just surviving; they are thriving, revolutionizing the way organizations communicate, collaborate, and cultivate culture. At Haystack, we're at the forefront of this transformation, driven by a passion to unlock the full potential of intranets for businesses around the globe.

Our work is not just a job; it's a mission to make big companies feel smaller, fostering a sense of community and connection, no matter the size of the organization.The concept of intranets has come a long way from being mere internal networks for sharing information.

Today, they stand as pivotal platforms that support internal communications, knowledge management, employee engagement, and much more. This evolution aligns perfectly with Haystack's core pillars: internal communications, employee directory, event management, and knowledge management, all enriched by features like Employee Recognition.

Our focus is on crafting an intranet solution that isn't just functional but is a living, breathing ecosystem that supports every aspect of an organization's internal strategy.Our excitement to work on Haystack every day is fueled by the challenges and opportunities that come with transforming large corporations into tightly-knit communities.

With the world moving faster than ever, the need for robust, secure, and compliant communication tools is undeniable. Haystack's adherence to leading security standards, including HIPAA, SOC2, ISO 27001, GDPR, CCPA, and more, ensures that even the most regulated industries can benefit from our solutions without compromising on security or compliance.What truly sets us apart, however, is our dedication to understanding and meeting the specific needs of our buyer types: Internal Communications, Information Technology, Executive Leadership, and Human Resources. This tailored approach enables us to deliver intranet solutions that are not only innovative but also highly relevant and impactful for each organization's unique requirements.

The potential of intranets is immense, and at Haystack, we're only scratching the surface. As we continue to explore new features, integrations, and capabilities, our vision remains clear: to transform the way organizations operate, making them more connected, informed, and engaged than ever before. Our journey is one of continuous learning, improvement, and innovation, driven by our commitment to excellence and our passion for making a difference.

Every day at Haystack brings new challenges, new opportunities, and new successes. It's this dynamic environment that keeps us motivated and excited about what we do. We're not just building intranets; we're building the future of workplace communication and collaboration. Join us on this thrilling journey, and let's unlock the full potential of your organization together.

Customer Stories